Art is at the Heart in South Warwickshire Foundation Trust

Art is at the Heart in South Warwickshire Foundation Trust featured image

Malins ward is a 20 bedded cardiology medical ward. Two of the bays previously looked out onto a very large brick wall, making them dark and feeling enclosed. For the patients looking onto this suppressive view it did not help their mood and was a negative helping recovery. 

An idea was generated by the teams to brighten it up by having some art work painted onto the dull plain wall supported by the cardiology patient trust fund.

Coventry Art gallery were contacted who put the team in touch with Andy and Michael from Spray Station. They came to assess the wall and discuss what we wanted. It was decided to have art that was relevant to the local residents of Warwick and Leamington as this is where the majority of our patients live.  The Wall was in 5 sections and it was decided that smaller pictures would be better than one large scene so the patients at their bed space/chair can see a complete picture rather than part a picture with no completeness for them. 

The artwork chosen was Warwick Castle and then endangered animals that live around the area; Kingfisher, badger, water vole and a bird of prey. 

Michael arrived with his ladders, paint and got to work completing the art in 7 days, using free hand talent with spray paint, just in time before the cold and rain came! The patients really enjoyed watching it grow and were chatting about what they thought the different parts were going to be with each other and the staff. 

Now that the wall is completed the patients comment on how lovely it is and that it’s much better than looking at a brick wall. They chat about the animals and if they’ve seen any of them around the castle. You can see the paintings as you walk down the ward and when you are in either of the two bays you can see a full painting of the animals which has really brightened up the ward. Patients now have something nice to look out that is cheerful and so helps their recovery and frame of mind so that they want to be up and about reducing the complications of deconditioning. For Staff too this is a great improvement giving them an improved outlook each day raising their mood and enhancing their working lives.

The paintings also help our volunteers who very kindly come give some of their spare time to assist and befriend our patients as it can be a topic beginner for them to open conversations and get patients chatting. 

Overall the wall is a great success and Michael has done an excellent job of brightening up a dull wall into a piece of art at the heart of a patients journey in Malins Ward and by bringing a little piece of the outside inside for the patients to enjoy.  

For further information contact :

Caroline Hill ,the Author of the Article ,who is the Ward manager = via twitter @Carolin6494756

or @nhsswft

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